SLA Adherence Metrics Requirements
Go toAll registered TeX members must complete monthly reporting of their transfer activity to TeX to monitor performance against the TeX Service Levels. This reporting includes details of electronic transfers with other TeX members along with a count of manual transfers completed in that month.
The TeX reporting requirements are set out in the following documents:
SLA Adherence Metrics Requirements
Go toVolume Metrics Requirements
Go toAll solution providers offering compliant systems provide reporting functionality that meets the TeX requirements. Further information on how to extract, manipulate and use this reporting can be obtained directly from the relevant solution provider.
All TeX member firms (once registered) need to submit monthly TeX MI to provide details of performance against the TeX SLA.
Firms can choose whether to submit TeX MI in respect of each individual membership or at marketing group level (all memberships under any one marketing group).
Each individual TeX member (or their administrator) produces MI as a download through their internal or external systems and must submit this to TeX by the 10th working day of each month.
Where firms use a solution provider directly (such as Calastone, Equisoft or Origo) the TeX MI reports are typically downloaded by the firm through an option in their menu. Unfortunately TeX is unable to offer any assistance on this and firms will need to contact their own solution provider for help on this topic.
Where firms use a more integrated or direct system (e.g. a direct connection through SWIFT), their own IT providers should be able to offer any assistance required.
Manual intervention
Before submission to TeX a manual intervention is usually required to insert the TeX membership reference for all registrations MI is being provided for (if more than one please separate with commas). This is a firm’s unique identifier and it is vital it is added correctly to the file so that their MI submission is accounted for. The number of manual transfers completed in the month is also required to be added manually to the downloaded report against the VMI13 metric.
MI submitters need to be logged on to the TeX register and in the MI submission area to submit TeX MI.
Only certain individuals have access to do this and those permissions are controlled internally by your register administrator. If you need any change to your permissions you will need to contact your register administrator directly.
In order to compile MI reports, TeX must be in possession of all MI for all TeX members. We cannot begin the reporting process if any submission is not received.
A late MI submission will delay report production for all TeX members.
TeX compiles all MI received into overall reporting to identify trends, issues and areas of concern.
TeX members can access their reports in the Dashboards/Reports area of the TeX Register. The report provides details of their own submission against the average performance of all TeX members. TeX members may then receive requests for further information where their performance has been identified as an outlier.
TeX members can only see their individual report via the TeX Register.
Only aggregated and anonymised MI is discussed and shared with the TeX Advisory Councils and TeX Board.
There is currently no sharing or publication of TeX MI outside of TeX.
As the overall TeX MI report is anonymised, all control checking is currently performed by TeX where any outliers or poor performers will be contacted in advance of the next MI Peer Review Group meeting.
At MI Peer Review Group (for which participation is subject to a completed NDA), named MI is visible to all attendees to allow for open discussions on individual firm performance.